This is a List of the possible Error Message you may get when Installing GSLL on Windows 7 or Windows 8 and their Solutions.

How I Organized this Page:

I Organized this Page very Simply for Ease of use. Scrolling Down the Page you’ll see the word ERROR with a Number next to it, e.g. ERROR #1, Displayed in RED. Directly Beneath it, is an Error Message which is also Displayed in RED. Then, Directly Beneath that is a SOLUTION to that Error Message which will be Displayed in GOLD, with Important Information, e.g. Paths, File Names, Program Names, and Emphasized Words, Displayed in BLUE. If the SOLUTION to the Error Message contains Code, the Code will be also be Displayed in BLUE. The Error Messages I posted may not Include everthing thats in the Error Message in your Emacs, but as long as What I posted matches Word for Word with part of what you have in your Emacs, you’ll be on the Right Track.

An easy method is just to do a Find(Control-f) in your Browser, and Paste in a part of your Error Message from Emacs that DOESN’T INCLUDE ANY PATHS, e.g., for the Error Messages that contain a lot of paths, just put in the Filename at the end of all those paths e.g. in this Error Message:

 External process exited with code 1.
Command was: "C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe" "-m32" "-I/Users/[Your Username]/AppData/
Roaming/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.11.1/" "-o" "C:\\Users\\
[Your Username]\\AppData\\Local\\common-lisp\\cache\\sbcl-1.1.8-win-x86\\C\\
Users\\[Your Username]\\AppData\\Roaming\\quicklisp\\dists\\quicklisp\\software\\
cffi_0.11.1\\libffi\\libffi-win32.exe" "C:\\Users\\[Your Username]\\AppData\\Local\\
common-lisp\\cache\\sbcl-1.1.8-win-x86\\C\\Users\\[Your Username]\\AppData\\

Just, do a Find for the libffi-win32.c at the end of all the Paths and you’ll be on the Right Track. Now, When find what seems to be the right ERROR on this page, Verify your Error Message has Exact Same Content as the one I Posted, Except for Exact File Paths because your Paths in your Error Messages may be different than the ones I posted, based on where you installed your software. Then, Follow the Directions in the SOLUTION. If doing a Find in your Browser doesn’t pull up anything, still Browse through the Error Messages on the page just in case you entered in part of the Error Message I didn’t post. I didn’t post All the Content of All the Error Messages but I did post All the Content of Most of the Error Messages. All the most important information is included on each Error Message though, enough to help you track down the proper fix at least. Also, since your Paths in your Error Messages may be different than the ones I posted, just try to deduce if it is still the same Error Message, by comparing your Error Message with the ones I posted.

Note: Advanced Users, If you don’t see your Error Message, then Read all the Error Messages and Solutions and try to Piece together a possible solution. If you do find a Solution, please Comment with your Error Message and Solution and I will Post it to the Blog. It doesn’t have to be Pretty, or Neat, just Copy/Paste the Error Message from Emacs and type quickly what you did to fix it, and I will Pretty it up Later.

Good Luck!

 External process exited with code 1.
Command was: "C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe" "-m32" "-I/Users/[Your Username]/AppData/
Roaming/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.11.1/" "-o" "C:\\Users\\
[Your Username]\\AppData\\Local\\common-lisp\\cache\\sbcl-1.1.8-win-x86\\C\\
Users\\[Your Username]\\AppData\\Roaming\\quicklisp\\dists\\quicklisp\\software\\
cffi_0.11.1\\libffi\\libffi-win32.exe" "C:\\Users\\[Your Username]\\AppData\\Local\\
common-lisp\\cache\\sbcl-1.1.8-win-x86\\C\\Users\\[Your Username]\\AppData\\


COPY ffi.h AND ffitarget.h FROM C:\libffi-3.0.13\i686-pc-mingw32\include AND PUT IN C:\MinGW\include or use your path to the \MinGW\include folder if you installed MinGW to a different partition that C:. Now go to C:\Program Files (x86)\GSL-1.13\include, or again substitute your Drive Letter for C: and Copy the gsl folder in that path, Copy not Cut, into C:\MinGW\include. It is Very Important That You Do These Steps Precisely, Even if you did these parts already and you know you did it right, just go back into the aforementioned folders and make sure these steps were done correctly, because that is the only reason for the:

 External process exited with code 1.
Command was: "C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe" "-m32" "-I/Users/[Your Username]/AppData/
Roaming/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.11.1/" "-o" "C:\\Users\\
[Your Username]\\AppData\\Local\\common-lisp\\cache\\sbcl-1.1.8-win-x86\\C\\
Users\\[Your Username]\\AppData\\Roaming\\quicklisp\\dists\\quicklisp\\software\\
cffi_0.11.1\\libffi\\libffi-win32.exe" "C:\\Users\\[Your Username]\\AppData\\Local\\
common-lisp\\cache\\sbcl-1.1.8-win-x86\\C\\Users\\[Your Username]\\AppData\\

Error while installing GSLL.

Now, go to Emacs and Run (ql:quickload "gsll") at the REPL to test it out.

Error while invoking #<COMPILE-OP (:VERBOSE NIL) {268F1F91}> on
#<CL-SOURCE-FILE "osicat" "src" "osicat">
   [Condition of type ASDF:COMPILE-ERROR]


Open C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\quicklisp\dists\quicklisp\software\osicat-20120407-git\posix\windows.lisp in Notepad++ by Right Clicking it and choosing Edit with Notepad++. Add ALL the Code, That is Directly Below in the Box, BENEATH ALL THE CODE IN THE windows.lisp FILE. It is Very Important That You Do This Step Precisely.

;; HACK to cover lack of stuff in Windows
 (defconstant s-iflnk -9000)
 (defconstant s-ifsock -9001)
 (defconstant s-irgrp -9002)
 (defconstant s-iwgrp -9003)
 (defconstant s-ixgrp -9004)
 (defconstant s-iroth -9005)
 (defconstant s-iwoth -9006)
 (defconstant s-ixoth -9007)
 (defconstant s-isuid -9008)
 (defconstant s-isgid -9009)
 (defconstant s-isvtx -9010)

Now, take time to Verify you Copied what is above, Exactly as I have typed it, and is Beneath All the Other Code in the File. It is Very Important That You Do This Step Precisely, Even if you did this part already and you know you did it right, just go back into the windows.lisp file and make sure this step was done correctly, because that is the only reason for the:

Error while invoking #<COMPILE-OP (:VERBOSE NIL) {268F1F91}> on
#<CL-SOURCE-FILE "osicat" "src" "osicat">
   [Condition of type ASDF:COMPILE-ERROR]

Error while installing GSLL.

Save the File and Exit out of Notepad++. Then, go to Emacs and Run (ql:quickload "gsll") at the REPL to test it out.

Unable to load foreign library (LIBSSL).
 Error opening shared object "libssl32.dll":


Open C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\quicklisp\dists\quicklisp\software\drakma-1.3.2\drakma.asd In Notepad++.

Add this:

(pushnew ::drakma-no-ssl *features*)

Right Beneath:

(in-package :cl-user)

Which is Directly Beneath all the Copyright Information(28 lines of Commented Text) at the Beginning of the drakma.asd file, so it looks like this:

(in-package :cl-user)
 (pushnew ::drakma-no-ssl *features*)
 (unless (find-symbol “STREAM-WRITE-TIMEOUT” :stream)
 (pushnew :lw-does-not-have-write-timeout *features*))

Now, take time to Verify you Copied what is above, Exactly as I have typed it, and is in the Correct Place in the File. It is Very Important That You Do This Step Precisely. Even if you did this part already and you know you did it right, just go back into the drakma.asd file and make sure this step was done correctly, because that is the only reason for the:

Unable to load foreign library (LIBSSL).
 Error opening shared object "libssl32.dll":

Error while installing GSLL.

Save the File and Exit out of Notepad++. Then, go to Emacs and Run (ql:quickload "gsll") at the REPL to test it out.

There is no class named GSLL::BASIS-SPLINE.
 [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]


Go to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\GSL-1.13\include
in Windows Explorer.
Inside that Folder is one and only one Folder named gsl.
Copy that Folder and Paste it into C:\MinGW\include.

Now, take time to Verify you Copied the Correct Folder mentioned above, Into the Other Folder mentioned above, and that All the Files inside got Copied over, e.g. Watch the Progress Bar while Windows Copies it for you and Make Sure it Finished. It is Very Important That You Do This Step Precisely, Even if you did this part already and you know you did it right, just go back and Make Sure this step was done correctly, because this is the only reason for the:

There is no class named GSLL::BASIS-SPLINE.
 [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

Error while installing GSLL.
Then, go to Emacs and Run (ql:quickload "gsll") at the REPL to test it out.

External process exited with code 1.
Command was: "C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe" "-m32" "-I/Users/[Your Username]/AppData/
Roaming/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.11.2/" "-o" "C:\\Users\\
[Your Username]\\AppData\\Local\\common-lisp\\cache\\sbcl-1.1.8-win-x86\\C\\Users\\
[Your Username]\\AppData\\Roaming\\quicklisp\\dists\\quicklisp\\software\\
gsll-20130615-git\\init\\libgsl-windows.exe" "C:\\Users\\[Your Username]\\
AppData\\Local\\common-lisp\\cache\\sbcl-1.1.8-win-x86\\C\\Users\\[Your Username]\\
Output was:

 [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]


Now go to C:\Program Files (x86)\GSL-1.13\include, or substitute your Drive Letter for C: and Copy the gsl folder in that path, Copy not Cut, into C:\MinGW\include. It is Very Important That You Do This Step Precisely, Even if you did this part already and you know you did it right, just go back into the aforementioned folder and make sure this step was done correctly, because that is the only reason for the:

External process exited with code 1.
Command was: "C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe" "-m32" "-I/Users/[Your Username]/AppData/
Roaming/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.11.2/" "-o" "C:\\Users\\
[Your Username]\\AppData\\Local\\common-lisp\\cache\\sbcl-1.1.8-win-x86\\C\\Users\\
[Your Username]\\AppData\\Roaming\\quicklisp\\dists\\quicklisp\\software\\
gsll-20130615-git\\init\\libgsl-windows.exe" "C:\\Users\\[Your Username]\\
AppData\\Local\\common-lisp\\cache\\sbcl-1.1.8-win-x86\\C\\Users\\[Your Username]\\
Output was:

 [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

Then, go to Emacs and Run (ql:quickload "gsll") at the REPL to test it out.

Error while trying to load definition for system gsll from

   Couldn't execute "c:\\msys\\1.0\\bin\\gcc.exe": No such file or directory


Open grovel.lisp which is in C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\quicklisp\dists\quicklisp\software\cffi_0.11.2\grovel in Notepad++.

Do a Find(Control-f) in Notepad++ for *cc* until you hit the Below Section in the Box. There will be many *cc* entries so please MAKE SURE you find the right one:

Old Version e.g. What you have currently in your grovel.lisp file:

(defparameter *cc*
 #+(or cygwin (not windows)) "cc"
 #+(and windows (not cygwin)) "c:/msys/1.0/bin/gcc.exe")

Make Sure you Change the Old Version Above (e.g. what is currently in your grovel.lisp file to be the SAME AS THE UPDATED VERSION BELOW IF AND ONLY IF you followed the Tutorial and installed Mingw to C:. Otherwise Substitute in your Path to gcc.exe in the C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe Section of the Below Code(gcc.exe Will always be in MinGW’s \MinGW\bin\ Folder) Also make sure, if you installed MinGW to a different path than C:\ and your path is different than in this section of the code below in the box ->C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe, that when you type in your path you use Foward Slashes instead of BackSlashes like I have or the Lisp Interpreter won’t recognize it. and you’ll get an Error.

Updated Version e.g. What should be in your grovel.lisp file:

(defparameter *cc*
 #+(or cygwin (not windows)) "cc"
 #+(and windows (not cygwin)) "C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe")

Note: The only Difference between the Old Version and the Updated Version is the part Directly After -> #+(and windows (not cygwin)).
It is Very Important That You Do This Step Precisely, Even if you did this part already and you know you did it right, just go back into the aforementioned folder and make sure this step was done correctly, because that is the only reason for the:

Error while trying to load definition for system gsll from

   Couldn't execute "c:\\msys\\1.0\\bin\\gcc.exe": No such file or directory

Error while installing GSLL.

Save the File and Exit out of Notepad++ when you are done Editing. Then, go to Emacs and Run (ql:quickload "gsll") at the REPL to test it out.

This is the Top Part of the Error, from the sldb sbcl/1″* *% Buffer:

Error while invoking #<COMPILE-OP (:VERBOSE NIL) {25983431}> on
#<CL-SOURCE-FILE "gsll" "init" "init">
   [Condition of type ASDF:COMPILE-ERROR]

This is the Other Part in the *inferior-lisp* * Buffer:

 The function GSLL::GSL-CONFIG-PATHNAME is undefined.




C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\quicklisp\dists\quicklisp\software\gsll-20130615-git\init\init.lisp

in Notepad++.

This is Important – PASTE THE ENTIRE SECTION OF CODE, DIRECTLY BELOW IN THE BOX – and there is alot = ) into the init.lisp file OVERWRITING ALL THE PREVIOUS CONTENTS. Make Sure you get Everything in the Box Below.

Now, Verify Everything in the File is Correct.

Note: It will be hard to verify that everything is correct in that file easily, Once you’ve Pasted. So just know this I tested this Tutorial Many times by Copying and Pasting Everything From this Tutorial, Every time I could Copy and Paste something from the Tutorial I did so. That includes all CODE, all PATHS, all FILENAMES, all LINKS, Everthing I could have Copy and Pasted I did. Everything’s been verified many times so you are getting a secure Tutorial. So you can trust it enough, that for the Verification Purposes of this Section to just go ahead and Re-Copy and Paste the Box Contents, Into a Blank

C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\quicklisp\dists\quicklisp\software\gsll-20130615-git\init\init.lisp

 ;; Load GSL
 ;; Liam Healy Sat Mar 4 2006 - 18:53
 ;; Time-stamp: <2012-02-19 10:35:34EST init.lisp>
 ;; Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Liam M. Healy
 ;; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 ;; (at your option) any later version.
 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program. If not, see <>.

(defpackage gsll
 (:nicknames :gsl)
 (:use :common-lisp :cffi)
 (:import-from :grid #:dim0 #:dim1 #:^ #:copy)
 (:export #:dim0 #:dim1 #:copy)
 ;; No actual conflict due to different usage of symbols:
 ;; antik:psi means "pounds per square inch" vs. function #'gsl:psi
 ;; antik:knots means "nautical miles per hour" vs. function #'gsl:knots
 ;; antik:acceleration refers to the time derivative of velocity vs. object 
 ;; si units symbol-macro vs. GSLL's sine integral.
 (:shadowing-import-from :antik #:psi #:knots #:si))

 (append antik::*antik-user-shadow-symbols*
 ;; Where there is a symbol conflict between GSLL and other packages,
 ;; take from the other package
 grid:row ; GSLL alternate is equivalent
 grid:column ; GSLL alternate is equivalent
 iterate:sum ; GSLL histogram function, both pretty obscure
 iterate:multiply ; GSLL function duplicates '*
 antik:polar-to-rectangular ; GSLL's doesn't use vectors
 antik:rectangular-to-polar ; GSLL's doesn't use vectors
 ;; taken from GSLL
 gsll::iterate ; conflict with iterate:iterate, but iterate:iter is a synonym
 (cons '#:gsll antik::*antik-user-use-packages*))

(antik:make-user-package :antik-user) ; Add the new use package and shadow symbols 
;to :antik-user

(in-package :gsl)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
 (defun gsl-config (arg)
 "A wrapper for tool `gsl-config'."
 (let ((output-stream (sb-ext:process-output
 (sb-ext:run-program "gsl-config.cmd" (list arg)
 :output :stream
 :search t))))
 (read-line output-stream)))

(defun gsl-config-pathname (pn)
 (merge-pathnames pn (pathname (format nil "~a/" (gsl-config "--prefix"))))))

(cffi:define-foreign-library libgslcblas
 (:darwin #+ccl #.(ccl:native-translated-namestring
 (gsl-config-pathname "libgslcblas.dylib"))
 #-ccl #.(gsl-config-pathname "libgslcblas.dylib"))
 (:cygwin "cyggslcblas-0.dll")
 (:unix (:or "" ""))
 (t (:default "libgslcblas")))

(cffi:use-foreign-library libgslcblas)

;; When calling libgsl from emacs built for windows and slime, and
 ;; using clisp built for cygwin, we have to load lapack/cygblas.dll
 ;; before loading cyggsl-0.dll
 #+(and clisp cygwin)
 (cffi:load-foreign-library "/lib/lapack/cygblas.dll")

(cffi:define-foreign-library libgsl
 (:darwin #+ccl #.(ccl:native-translated-namestring
 (gsl-config-pathname "libgsl.dylib"))
 #-ccl #.(gsl-config-pathname "libgsl.dylib"))
 (:cygwin "cyggsl-0.dll")
 (:unix (:or "" ""))
 (t (:default "libgsl")))

(cffi:use-foreign-library libgsl)

It is Very Important That You Do This Step Precisely, Even if you did this part already and you know you did it right, just go back into the init.lisp file and make sure this step was done correctly, because that is the only reason for the:

Error while invoking #<COMPILE-OP (:VERBOSE NIL) {25983431}> on
#<CL-SOURCE-FILE "gsll" "init" "init">
   [Condition of type ASDF:COMPILE-ERROR]

The function GSLL::GSL-CONFIG-PATHNAME is undefined.

Error while installing GSLL.

Save the File and Exit out of Notepad++. Then, go to Emacs and Run (ql:quickload "gsll") at the REPL to test it out.

error opening #P"D:/Users/W/AppData/Roaming/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/
  No such file or directory
   [Condition of type SB-INT:SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR]



C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\quicklisp\dists\quicklisp\software\gsll-20130615-git\gsll.asd

in Notepad++ (might be a later date on the gsll-20130312-git part). Do a Find(Control-f) for the word nothing. (There is only one Entry for the word nothing)

It will take you to this line:

"libgsl" :pathname #+unix "libgsl-unix" #-unix "nothing-here"

Change that, and only that line, so it reads Exactly whats Below in the Box,
leave the quotes and everything, and, make sure, when you overwrite that line, the new line is in exactly the same position in the file as the other line was. e.g. Overwrite the previous line perfectly, keeping the same indentation:

"libgsl" :pathname #+unix "libgsl-unix" #-unix "libgsl-windows"

In a Nutshell: You’re just changing the "nothing-here" to "libgsl-windows"

It is Very Important That You Do This Step Precisely, Even if you did this part already and you know you did it right, just go back into the gsll.asd file and make sure this step was done correctly, because that is the only reason for the:

error opening #P"D:/Users/W/AppData/Roaming/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/
No such file or directory
[Condition of type SB-INT:SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR]

Error while installing GSLL.

Save the File and Exit out of Notepad++. Then, go to Emacs and Run (ql:quickload "gsll") at the REPL to test it out.

error opening #P"D:/Users/W/AppData/Roaming/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/
  No such file or directory
   [Condition of type SB-INT:SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR]


Go to the:
Folder and find the libgsl-unix.lisp file inside of it. Copy and Paste that file into the SAME FOLDER so you have a copy named libgsl-unix – Copy.lisp. Rename the libgsl-unix – Copy.lisp to libgsl-windows.lisp, Exactly.

It is Very Important That You Do This Step Precisely, Even if you did this part already and you know you did it right, just go back into the init Folder and make sure this step was done correctly, because that is the only reason for the:

error opening #P"D:/Users/W/AppData/Roaming/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/
No such file or directory
[Condition of type SB-INT:SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR]

Error while installing GSLL.
Save the File and Exit out of Notepad++. Then, go to Emacs and Run (ql:quickload "gsll") at the REPL to test it out.

Posted June 23, 2013 by Joe W. BiMedina


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  1. Hi again
    Some days before I sent you an email with a problem I faced with MinGW, but I could have done it. After having reach the end
    of the procedure, I type the command (ql:quickload “gsll”) for testing the overall installation and it resulted in the following error:

    caught ERROR:
    ; READ error during COMPILE-FILE:
    ; :UTF-8 stream decoding error on
    ; #:
    ; the octet sequence #(202 202) cannot be decoded.
    ; (in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)
    So I’m looking for some help on it. Thank you in advance
    Kostas K.

    • sorry it took so long to get to you..I’m new to wordpress and I was looking for comments in the comments section of my pages, not in the user area where they actually are. I just wanted to let you know the GSLL tutorial is fixed..I tested 2 times on windows 8.1 so you should be good…still need to fix the gsll errors section , I will do that in the next couple of days,
      Take care


  2. I just checked this page to fix it and found your comments, Ill keep a closer eye on this page from now on:)

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